Sunday 17 October 2010

Exposure exposed!

My brother-in-law, bought an Olympus EP2 and kit lens and he asked me- What is exposure? Great question!

Well, it is hard to explain in technical jargons but let’s start with the understanding of the exposure triangle (I took this term from Bryan Peterson). The exposure triangle is about the 3 variables that affect exposure which is Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO (light sensitivity). And at the heart of the exposure triangle is the light meter sensitivity (ISO). An image that is well exposed looks right, not too bright and not too dark.

Well, let me try to explain exposure using a water tap metaphor like the following.
Light = water
Aperture =Tap opening that control the water flow.
Shutter Speed = Time control on how long to keep the tap on
Right exposure = Full Bucket of water (to the brim)
ISO = number of water tap with the same tap opening/ and time to fill up the bucket
Noise = level of disturbance to the water surface resulting in more bubbles and noise.

Let’s, start and imagine.
You want to fill up a water bucket (full, not more and not less) with the least amount of noise so that you do not wake Sheena (my little gilr) up. You have a choice to select how much to turn the tap (Aperture) and the choice of how long (shutter speed) to keep the water flowing. Of course you can decide on how many tap (ISO) with the same tap setting to fill up the bucket at the same time.

So that is the concept of exposure! A balancing act to achieve the right exposure with the desired creative effect.

Let me explain more. When the tap is turned more (Aperture is larger) more water will flow into the bucket and so it takes less time (fast shutter) to fill up the bucket. Likewise if you run the tap longer (shutter speed slower), you need a smaller tap opening (aperture) so that you still get the same amount of water into the bucket.

What about ISO, well if you have many taps (high ISO) running at the same time and with the same tap aperture/time combo setting it will need less time to fill up the bucket but the result could be with water bubbles (noise). This is not good because you might wake Sheena up and she will cause havoc! It is a balancing act and the essence is to keep the noise low and at the same time balancing the other variables to get the right/creative exposure. Do you know that there are at least 6 exposures combo that can give you the tecnically correct exposure but there is only 1 or 2 creative exposure.

This is where you change the variables in the exposure triangle to convey motion (shutter speed control) or subject inclusion/isolation (aperture control) in your images. Happy experimenting. "CLICK"

Famous Quotes

"Stare. It's the way to educate your eyes. Pry, Listen, Eavesdrop.
Die knowing something. You are not here long." Walker Evans

"Life is about moments. Don't wait for them, create them." Anthony Robbins (peak performance guru)

"Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that things looks photographed." Garry Winogrand (photographer).

"When you photograph people in color, you are photographing their clothes. When you photograph them in black and white, you photograph their souls." Ted Grant

"Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify.' HenryDavid Thoreau (philosopher and author)

"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life." Henri Cartier-Bresson ( Magnum Founder and full member since 1947)

Ring Flash for the real world ...

Ring Flash for the real world ...
Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM + Canon 580EXII + Orbis Ring Flash. I just bought the Orbis Ring Flash. Call it craving or buy flu, I want...! So how does this tool helps me in my quest for photographic excellence? WoW, I must say I'm happy with the results. It is a huge and cumbersome accessory. However, it does helps you to take shadowless picture effortlessly. It just works and just make sure you have a pair of strong hands.

"In Remembrance of Nat"

"In Remembrance of Nat"
We had our partner conference at Eilat in November 2007 and here is a picture of Koby, Nathawuth and Ray. Unfortunately, Nathawuth passed away on 24 April 2010 and a reminder to us that time is fleeting and life is unpredictable. Let’s not take it for granted. Live life with love, courage and passion.

Hooked on Friendship @ Starbucks Hong Kong

Hooked on Friendship @ Starbucks Hong Kong
DMC-GF1 with Samyang 7.5mm 1:3.5 UMC Fish-eye